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My story~


Chloe has Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) – a chronic allergic inflammatory disease of the esophagus that is mainly triggered by food proteins. Eliminating the six foods commonly associated with food allergies (milk, wheat, soy, egg, nuts, and fish) from the diet is an effective treatment for the majority of patients with EoE.


Chloe is going to be 13 years old in June.  She loves ballet, dance, and gymnastics. Chloe loves to read books about princesses, fairy tales, and mysteries.  She has been involved in a gardening club at school that only grows organic products. Chloe loves to watch shows on cooking and loves to watch the baking shows on cable. In fact, on a recent birthday, the whole theme for the birthday was around who could make the most creative vegan meals using CLO-CLO® Vegan Foods products.


The Hinnenkamp family has made it their mission to create awareness for Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) and to help families address the dietary needs of children by developing a line of delectable vegan pizzas and related products.


Chloe has been our official food taster for all of the products! She has tasted all of the pizzas and provides the chef with feedback on the taste and texture of the products that she likes and what she doesn’t like.


Healthful ingredients. Loads of love.

CLO-CLO® Vegan Foods